BioXenClue is located in New Delhi Capital Region and a leading contract research service provider

- Welcome to The BioXenClue Private Limited -

BioXenClue Pvt Ltd is a service provider company on High throughput genomics, transcriptomics, metagenomics and proteomics. We offer services, consultancy and training on clinical genomics for both academic research as well as clinical diagnosis purpose. Consultancy and services would be on state of art technologies involving next generation sequencing (DNA-seq, RNA-seq, CHIP-seq), Peptide synthesis, post sequencing data analysis, clinical diagnostics interpretation. We strive on transforming biomedical research ‘to be Artificial intelligence driven’ based on genomics data.

What's New

Training program on Next Generation Sequencing

1st Batch Starts on 1st December 2020

Training program on Next Generation Sequencing

1st Batch Starts on 1st December 2020

Training program on Next Generation Sequencing

1st Batch Starts on 1st December 2020

Clinical Genomics

Consultancy and services would be on state of art technologies involving next generation sequencing (DNA-seq, RNA-seq, CHIP-seq), Peptide synthesis, post sequencing data analysis, clinical diagnostics interpretation.

Get Started to Know More

Deals With

All types of Genomic Services

All types of Proteomics Services

Clinical Diagnosis

Bioinformatics Application and Analysis



Oligo Synthesis

Product Development

Product Distribution

Gene Synthesis

Protein Synthesis

Peptide Synthesis

Epitope Mapping

Md Simulation Analysis

Biologics Analysis

Mutant generation and Synthesis

Project Development